We've been slack about labelling the actual items lately, so we're going through a bunch of "recent" acquisitions. Some of our favourites:
Satanic Panic in the Attic (of Montreal)
PL 236.9 2004 - the fall of heavenChristian theology -- Eschatology -- Last Judgement and related events -- Fall of Heaven
The King of America (Elvis Costello)
HL Q338.470053092 1986 - Bill Gates(we couldn't be bothered writing out our subject headings for this one, but working backwards we think it's 330s Economics, 005.3 something involving computers, 092 Biography)
Human After All (Daft Punk)
HL 573.3 2005Physical Anthropology -- Pre-historic humankind -- Piltdown Man hoax
I Told You I Was Freaky (Flight of the Conchords)
OL 347.052 2009 - legal defenseLaw -- Legal proceedings and courts -- Defendants
Voldemort Can't Stop The Rock (Harry & the Potters)
PL 551.307 2004 - landslides and rockfalls(again, couldn't be bothered writing out the subject headings, but it's something like 550s Earth Sciences)
LCD Soundsystem (LCD Soundsystem)
OL Q784.4 2005 - because LCDs, y'knowMusic -- Orchestras -- Light orchestras
Ba Ba Ti Ki Di Do (Sigur Ros)
HL 401.93 2004 - babblingLanguage -- Psycholinguistics -- Language acquisition
Whatever People Say I Am, That's What I'm Not (Arctic Monkeys)
PL 133.43 2006 - witch huntsParanormal phenomena -- Demonology and witchcraft -- Magic and witchcraft -- Witch hunting
Give Blood (Brakes)
PL 133.4230361763 2005 - charities for vampiresParanormal phenomena -- Demonology and witchcraft -- evil spirits -- vampires -- non-profit organisations and charities